All the things that happen, do not stop. Our perception is away from them, but the facts remain motionless and anchored on the timeline. All the places that ever existed, all the feelings, all the scents and colors, are not enrolled only in our individual memory, but frozen the very fabric of space-time.
The primary school can be seen as a unique meeting point of three time axes: children, teachers and parents. Despite several years of daily meetings, it would be hard to think of each other more distant worlds. First, during the period of primary school for boys, the time seems nonexistent past and the future is unimaginable.
This project was developed in Slovenian language: read here the original presentation >>
{mosmap address='Lavrica, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia'|zoom='14'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='1'|showMaptype='1'|align='left'| overview='1'|text='<div style=width:200px;height=40px;>Lavrica</div>'}
Key facts:
Project n.: 090131
Client: Občina Lavrica and Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije
Location: Lavrica, Slovenija
Date: 30.01.2009
project team: Ivo Buda, Tomaž Krištof, Manfredo Bianchi, Meta Zupančič
program: Elementary school (20 classes)
Levels: P+2
site area: 8.270 m2
built area: 2.750 m2
inner area: 4.880 m2
dimensions: 26 x 105 x 11 m
n. parking spaces: 24
estimated cost: 4.050.00 eur (1250 eur/m2)